Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My first time

First there was Livejournal. Then MySpace. Then Facebook.

Now, I have infiltrated Blogger. I hope to meet some like-minded (or unlike-minded, it doesn't really matter) souls around the world with whom I can swap pontifications about our interests.

Just recently I have gotten into Anime, Manga and Hentai, none of which I was ever particularly interested in before. It's like a little switch went off in my head and I realized just how beautiful, grotesque, intriguing, bizarre, funny, erotic and revolting so much of it is, often all at once. I recently discovered Princess Resurrection, which features one of the coolest characters I think has ever been created, Riza Wildman. A Japanese punk girl who's arms transform into giant werewolf paws when she's pissed? Now that's hot.

My main interest is cinema (among my fave filmmakers are Steven Spielberg, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Igmar Bergman, Tinto Brass, Martin Scorsese and George Romero, to give a you an idea of my eclectic tastes). I am a struggling filmmaker myself, having written and directed one feature film, and trying to find the time to get a second one finished while having a day job (in the indusrty) and a two and a half year old daughter at home.

Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft are stratospheres higher than most others in the list of my favorite writers.

Hope to blog, discuss, dissect anything and everything having to with the macabre, the weird, the obscure. Behind my "just a regular guy" exterior lies a freak who's into a lot of bizarre shit.

All fictional of course. I like animated tentacle porn, but I have no desire to watch a woman have sex with an octopus.

Does that make sense?